This is absolutely brilliant work.
Shock: Global temperatures driven by US Postal Charges
This is absolutely brilliant work.
URGENT - The burst streaming server is currently suffering technical difficulties, and you may not be able to listen at this time. We apologise for any inconvenience and are working to restore your favourite student radio as soon as possible!
It appears that one of the country’s major university’s is unable to maintain a radio station. Extremely disappointing. I was due to have two friends from Mexico come on tomorrow and discuss the swine flu in detail, and the various theories being spread both locally and worldwide.
Absolutely shocking stuff. I don’t think I’m the only one who thinks this is more than a little odd.
“A U.S. based pharmaceutical company that just weeks ago was involved in a scandal involving vaccines tainted with deadly avian flu virus has been chosen to head up efforts to produce a vaccine for the Mexican swine flu that has seemingly migrated into the U.S. and Europe.”
It is the first show back after the long Easter break and there is a huge amount of news to cover. So please tune in for a critical perspective on issues from the economy to the possibility of a new pandemic. I may even have a correspondent in Mexico City on the phone!
So even though policing of the protests directly resulted in the death of an innocent man, they were ‘proportionate’.
"I can't think of any other country that doesn't use water cannons, CS gas, rubber bullets. Our approach is proportionate and has delivered on a number of occasions."
Yes, because they are the tools of Authoritarian governments you moron, NOT a liberal democracy, and besides you managed to kill someone without the use of these tools!
Couldn’t agree more with Craig Murray on this one:
The Elite are fucking cunts. Simple as that.
Brown speaks the truth…nearly.
"Today's decisions, of course, will not immediately solve the crisis."
I can’t believe that even the NUS is infected with this foolish paternalist bull shit. Give the students some respect for fuck sake, they are adults capable of deciding for themselves whether they want to get off their head or not.
So looks like the descriptions of a terrorist included in the MIAC report are actually being used. Dissent is terrorism.
What a completely inappropriate present.
To Orwell, and us – the proles, it was a warning, but to the elite – the party, it does indeed appear to be a how to guide.
Just finished watching the film I linked to in the previous post – Demographic Winter – The Decline of the Human Family (Part 1)
Absolutely compelling stuff, a must see documentary. Unfortunately I can’t find a streaming link for it at the moment, will post when I do.
Here is a quote from the end of the film. I will post a more extensive review when I have watched it for a second time. It is an overwhelmingly dense film.
“In our time all Greece was visited by a dearth of children and general decay of population…This evil grew upon us rapidly, and without attracting attention, by our men becoming perverted to a passion for show and money and the pleasures of an idle life.” – Polybius circa 140 B.C.
As has been well documented, population reduction is part of the NWO agenda (see The Club of Rome - The destruction of the family institution through feminism (see, the sexualisation of society, the promotion of homosexuality. The surge in the use of contraception and abortion. The sterilisation of both men and women (see the excellent documentary The Disappearing Male - The AIDS virus? All this appears to be directed towards this agenda of population reduction.
“Certain kinds of human beings are on their way to extinction”
Does by certain kinds, he mean those unwilling to be slaves of the establishment? Those brought up in a traditional family environment in which the parents rather than the State are the primary influence on the individual’s development?
Looks like a good documentary.
This long term strategy for population reduction appears to be somewhat overlooked, which is unfortunate considering that it appears that the whole NWO order agenda appears to be taking place in this incremental, Fabian, “Brave New World” as opposed to “1984” type fashion.
Just last week we had JONATHON PORRITT, one of Gordon Brown’s leading green advisers saying that the UK population must fall to 30 million -
A quote from that trailer comes to mind: “Never have we had economic prosperity accompanied by depopulation”
I know I would be stuck in the global warming and holocaust denial camp for merely expressing scrutiny about this thoroughly inconclusive events. But here is a new invention of my own Totalitarianism Denial – those people that despite the absolutely obvious movement towards totalitarianism continue to deny it. Just look at the infrastructure being built around us. Those who can deny it are more crazy than any of us global warming and holocaust deniers that’s for sure.
Here is one startling example today ‘Britain trains civilian anti-terror force’:§ionid=351020601
Disobedience is now a criminal matter. Just wait until our police officers are all carrying tasers. We will be treated just like sheep - prodded in line just like the Canadians and Americans.
Very interesting article over at American Free Press:
Well this week I actually successfully saved my Firefox session with all my tabs, so I can give you a list of references from the show.
I highly recommend you watch the whole of The Obama Deception, it is certainly Alex Jones’ best work to date, and one of my flat mates who is completely new to all of this certainly found it enlightening!
Why are our state owned banks asking customers about their political affiliations? – The Spectator
Plans for minimum alcohol price - BBC
Prohibition is coming, because we all drink too much – Old Holborn
Scotland to set minimum price for alcohol – Belfast Telegraph
Calais, here we come [for cheap alcohol] – The Devil’s Kitchen
The Obama Deception DVD Review – Freedom Arizona
Cheney is guilty of ‘murder’ if Hersh claims are true – Raw Story
Cheney “Assassination Unit” Still Active Under Obama, Including Domestically – Infowars
The Obama Deception:
Excellent article here detailing the fact that both shooters in the recent events in Alabama and Germany were both using psychiatric medicines. A characteristic of gunmen in all the shooting incidents I can remember!
A disturbing conference at Harvard -
The Free Market Mindset: History, Psychology, and Consequences
Another great show with Dave. We covered a lot again today - from the strengths and weaknesses of the new world order and our movement against it, to the failures of collectivism and religion - and I really encourage reader’s to listen closely.
Thankfully I have a good recording this week thanks to a friend of mine over at:
I have uploaded two copies – a low (16kbps) and a high quality (128kbps) version - to my shared folder for downloading:
You can also stream it directly from this page by clicking the play button below (you can also right click and save as):
The Progressive Show No.11 - With Scottish freeman-on-the-land, Dave AllisonEnjoy! A big thanks again to Dave, a great guy and an excellent guest. And thanks to you for listening.
Details of next week’s show will be posted during the week.
1) Don Henley – The End of The Innocence (The End of The Innocence [1989])
2) Alcest - Souvenirs D'un Autre Monde (Souvenirs D'un Autre Monde [2007])
3) Starbreaker – Lies (Starbreaker [2005])
If you would like to see any of the previous playlists from my show please visit
I have just finished polishing up the recording that my girlfriend made of the show yesterday. Unfortunately, she didn’t catch the first 5 minutes or so due to problems with the program we normally use, and the quality isn’t great either. I am yet to find a solution to recording the show in the studio (i.e. using laptop on same ip address as the show is broadcast from), and it is a terrible shame that Burst radio have seemingly been unable (laziness?) to meet their original plan of having a podcast system for all the shows, which they did have in previous years apparently. Hopefully, I can find a piece of software that can do this, if any one has any suggestions they would be greatly appreciated!
Nevertheless the recording is certainly listenable and I thought Dave was an excellent guest, highly knowledgeable, insightful and well lived. I look forward to talking to him further on forthcoming shows. I encourage you to listen, we cover a great range of subjects within the broad framework of the freeman movement.
You can download the file below (right click and save as) or stream it from the page by clicking the play button.
The Progressive Show No.10 - With Scottish freeman-on-the-land, Dave Allison
If you would like to download this, or any of the previously recorded shows featuring guests, please see my shared folder:
Dave’s freeman website is and he recommends (as do I) that you visit the excellent and its forum I would also suggest heading over to, where you will find freemen and women from all over the world. You might also like to visit Rob Menard’s website, who we did discuss briefly during the show at and
Next Sunday I may well be joined by Dave again. More information to follow later this week.
1) Toto – No End In Sight (Falling In Between [2006])
2) Michael Franti And Spearhead - Bomb The World (Armageddon Version)
If you would like to see any of the previous playlists from my show please visit
Tomorrow I am going to be joined on the phone from Scotland, by Licentiate of the Royal Photographic Society and Freeman-on-the Land, Dave Allison.
Dave has a great little website, concisely detailing many of the key tenets of the Freeman approach, a solution to the growing tyranny, that I have increasingly covered on the show. Available here:
We will be discussing the foundations of freemanism*, why you should become a freeman, how you can become one, what differences it will make to your life, and could make to the very future of the world.
If you have any questions you would like to ask Dave please email me at the usual address: You can also add me to your Instant Messenger and contact me live throughout the duration of the show.
For an excellent introduction to Freemanism, I highly recommend the recordings of the Freeman Conference UK (in addition to all the other videos available on this blog), which took place last November:
Part 1. (49 mins)
Part 2. (1 hour 3 mins)
Part 3. (35 mins)
Part 4. (58 mins)
Part 5. (41 mins)
Part 6. (57 mins)
*I’m not sure if this “ism” has yet been adopted in the movement!
Just to catch up with what I covered last week as I completely forgot to make this post during the week. Apologies, I have been both busy and lazy.
I won’t post any videos, just the playlist, as I am in the middle of preparation for tomorrow’s show. Stay tuned, more information to follow later tonight…
1) Queensrÿche – Revolution Calling (Operation: Mindcrime [1988])
2) Shadow Gallery – War For Sale (Tyranny [1998])
3) Hibria – Wings of Wax (The Skull Collectors [2008])
4) Shadow Gallery – Rain {Acoustic Version} (Room V [2005])
Thanks to those who tuned in yesterday, if any one did! Seems doubtful.
Anyway, here are some links and videos in no particular order directly used or related to the content of the show. Some very useful information indeed.
Alex Jones on Russia Today, discussing Obama:
Trailer - The Obama Deception - A Film by Alex Jones, looks promising:
John Harris - THE TRUTH - Part 1 History
In Bristol, John Harris, an English Freeman-on-the-land talks with his message which encapsulates our true position in the world, and how we got here. Recent findings and collaboration with TPUC members & fellow researchers has allowed John to present in simple terms his understanding of Political and Regal history, Common Law, Statute Law, Contracting and much more:
Demockery - From Freeman-on-the-Land Robert-Arthur: Menard An examination of de facto power, TASER usage, obstruction of justice and our remedy against a growing police state:
Robs Very Cunning Plan - From Freeman-on-the-Land Robert-Arthur of the Menard family comes an exciting plan to bring remedy to the world and thwart the NWO:
1) Firewind – Tyranny (Forged By Fire [2005])
2) Genesis – Land of Confusion (Invisible Touch[1986])
3) Paris – Don’t Stop The Movement (Acid Reflex [2008])
4) Héroes Del Silencio – La Chispa Adecuada (Para Siempre [1996])